宿霧學校3D Academy 八月小報緊來看,有很多新消息喔!


1. 3D Room vacancy - Our Aug is running in full capacity now. For long term application (8 weeks and above, we will try to accommodate them by giving free upgrade to hotel room with some room transfer). However, please always check with us on the vacancy if there's any inquiry from the student. We will try to accommodate as much as possible.


 2. 3D Free Online Class - As some of you have noticed, 3D is now giving 2 weeks free online English class to all Taiwanese students upon signing up:

- Student can start the class once we receive their application form. Upon graduation, they can get another 2 weeks of class for free. This promotion only valid till Dec 2014. Quickly send in their application now and inform them about this good news!


OnlineFlyer_Taiwanese_All Students  

3. 3D Hotel Room Accommodation - As the inquiry for hotel rooms has increased, we will release more information now. There are 2 types of rooms - Single and Double room. Hotel is located opposite 3D, also within JY Square boundary - Prestigio Hotel. The price for 4 weeks + Practical ESL tuition fee is:-
1. Single room - USD 1,668 / person
2. Double Room (Family room with living room) - USD 1,568 / person

3D有新的住宿選擇了,在學校對面的Prestigio Hotel


單人房: USD 1,668 / person

雙人房(內有一個小客廳): USD 1,568 / person

IMG_8938  IMG_8930  

IMG_8868  IMG_8897  



4 3D Promotion - September to December 2014. If student applies to study from Sep 1 to Dec 31, 2014, they will enjoy 10% discount for 11 weeks and below. For 12 weeks and above, they will enjoy 15% off. As we expect the tuition fee to increase in 2015, please encourage your student to send in the application early.


1~11周: 享有10% discount
12周以上:享有15% discount




5. 3D In-campus Activities for July 2014 - We have more variety of additional activities for students to choose from in July.
* NEW!! Orientation and Graduation Speech.

- Every monday 2pm, 3D will conduct cross-nation orientation with all new students. Students are encouraged to prepare a short introduction speech.
3D新活動第一發: 每週一的兩點學校會要各國家的學生來準備一段小演講,除了可以認識國情還可以練就說英語的好膽子阿


- Every friday 5pm, 3D will conduct a graduation ceremony. All students will be required to give a graduation speech.
We have recorded some Graduation speech for students to review their own speech.





6. 3D Population update for Aug 2014:

58% Japanese
23% Taiwanese
6% Korean
5% Africa and Middle East Country (Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Chad Republic)
5% European (Russian)
3% Chinese



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